About DDDAC and me
Dear DIY and Audio lovers! My name is Doede Douma and the developer of the DDDAC series. I am designing and building audio equipment since I am twelve. Over the years I have developed my own way of doing things which are mostly outside the common routes (and datasheets). What is my goal? Always create audio with as I call it an “Analog Sound” – This comes from the old days with vinyl of course. I have designed and build many phono amplifiers and build/modified my own turntables.
As digital sources cannot and should not be avoided (anymore) I worked many years on true analog sounding DACs. The first one was the TDA1543 series with the 12-chip tower modules. Here I learned it is important to avoid digital filtering (!!) as well active output stages, optimize power supplies and most for all, put dac chips in parallel ….
With the coming of high resolution tracks – I designed the DDDAC174 series – THE BEST I ever had, especially the latest version with embedded TENT Shunts in combination with a top power supply (Like the DDDAC power supply or when budget allows, the Audio Creative “Magic” version) and balanced outputs (direct or with transformers).

In case you wonder…. My analog source reference is a highly tuned LINN LP12 with own developed DC Motor CPU control, EKOS SE, a LINN Kandid Cartridge and my own MC PRE PRE Stage (and with the Phonodude of course) – Investment way beyond 20.000 Euro … OK, this has even more analog feels – but the DDDAC1794 DAC is so unbelievably close, really amazing. Hundreds of DIY have been building my DACs and users are telling me they sold their “other DACs” which in several cases were in the +10.000 Euro range. This is my best throw at digital music sounding analog and I am very proud of it!
I realize I am biased with all this, but trust me, you will never had such an analog experience with digital music!
Looking forward to some great blogs and your great designs (as usual)
This is South Kore and my Friends are interested in your EQ.
So, I will try make EQ PCB for yours.
Do you have it or upgrade ver. PCB?
How Can I buy your PCBs?
Best Regards,
Seo YK
I will answer this to your email today…
best regards